For many homeowners, the primary way to keep cooling costs down is to just turn up the temperature on the A/C or turn it off altogether. However, a number of steps can be taken to minimize cooling costs while staying cool and comfortable. Following are eight ways to keep cooling costs down in your Northwest Arkansas home. Many of these tips also will save on heating bills in the winter.
Strategies for Reducing Your Cooling Bills
- Use ceiling fans. The wind chill effect from the downward breeze created by a ceiling fan can make you feel three or four degrees cooler than the actual temperature in the room. Turn up the thermostat by that amount and save energy while staying cool.
- Install a programmable thermostat. Dump that old manual thermostat and install a thermostat you can program ahead of time, setting energy-saving temperatures for when you’re at work. Set it to return to a comfortable temperature shortly before you arrive home.
- Take advantage of natural cooling. If it gets cool overnight, open your windows overnight or in the morning and let that cool air circulate in your home. Before it gets hot again, close the windows. The natural morning cooling will delay the point at which you need to turn the A/C back on.
- Add insulation and seal air leaks. An extra layer of insulation in the attic will keep super-heated attic air from moving down into your living spaces. Sealing air leaks throughout your home’s outer envelope will keep warm air outside in the summer and inside in the winter.
- As much as possible, avoid using the oven for cooking when it’s hot outside. Use the microwave or take advantage of grilling opportunities outside.
- Close window coverings such as drapes and blinds during sunny afternoons to keep solar energy from heating up your house.
- When it’s time to upgrade your cooling system, make sure you choose an energy-efficient Energy Star qualified model.
- Seal leaky ductwork and insulate dust sections that run through unconditioned areas.
For more tips on lowering cooling costs this summer, please contact us at Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Springdale, Arkansas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about lowering cooling costs and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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