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heating and AC, plumbing & electric 479.900.0784

heating and AC, plumbing & electric479.900.0784

April 14, 2016

What is Geothermal Energy Used For?


Three Types of Geothermal Energy
What is geothermal energy used for? Well, when asking “what is geothermal energy used for?”, the simplistic explanation doesn’t quite cut it. Sure, it’s used for…energy. But there’s much more. There are direct geothermal energy solutions, geothermal heat pumps, and a geothermal power plants.

Direct Geothermal Energy is harnessed from hot springs or other geothermal reservoirs near the surface of the Earth. From here, hot water will be piped right into a home or office. The water goes through a “heat exchanger”, which transfers the heat to the structure’s system.

A Geothermal Heat-pump is slightly underground, and uses the constant 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit existing there year-round to either heat or cool a home or office. This is done through circulated fluid filtered through a heat exchanger and electric compressor. This is the kind of HVAC solution you’ll find at climate-conditioning providers like Paschal.

Last but not least, a Geothermal Power Plant uses hot water pumped from underground to generate electricity. Of these three, the most applicable to you will be the second kind of geothermal energy, that coming from a Geothermal Heat-pump.

Personal Applicability
Geothermal Heat-pump systems as applied to personal residences and places of business represent some of the most cost-effective and efficient options on the market. And, just to make a hat-trick out of the “e” words, geothermal energy is also environmentally friendly. Effective, Efficient, Environmental–that’s geothermal energy for you. Also, while it can be a little costly to install, within five years your investment will have very likely paid itself off, and you’ll be looking at actually saving money from it.

The Right Providers
The key in saving money is to find a service that does all the heavy lifting. You’re looking for installation, drilling, transportation, and design engineering which has been specifically individualized to the property for which you need dependable environmental conditioning. There’s no use getting that kind of service from an organization which doesn’t have IGSHPA (International Ground Source Pump Heat Association) certification, however, as you may not be able to depend on it. That’s one of the reasons Paschal Heat, Air, and Geothermal is such a recommendable service for installing these systems. Not only is it cost-effective, it’s certified, trustworthy, and all-inclusive. Whether you need new installation, or just a tune-up, Paschal is a recommendable option.

Paschal geothermal options provide peace of mind, savings, efficiency, and environmentally-positive impact.