heating and AC, plumbing & electric
Thank you for considering Paschal Air, Plumbing & Electric as your service provider. We are proud to serve Arkansas, Missouri, OKlahoma & Missouri for more than 50+ years. You can rest easy because whatever your air, plumbing or electrical needs may be – there’s nothing we can’t handle. It’s our passion and it’s our promise to you, one that we proudly stand behind. Avoid the hassle – go with Paschal!


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heating and AC, plumbing & electric 479.900.0784

heating and AC, plumbing & electric479.900.0784

April 22, 2014

Need an HVAC Professional? 10 Tips for Hiring the Right One

Need an HVAC Professional? 10 Tips for Hiring the Right OneYour home’s heating and cooling equipment will sometimes require professional care to keep it running smoothly. When you need an HVAC professional for your Northwest Arkansas home, follow these 10 tips and you can’t go wrong:

  1. Ask people you know — If any of your family, friends, or co-workers already use a reputable contractor, your search could be over very quickly.
  2. Know your system — When you begin calling around, it’s best to know information about your HVAC equipment, such as model number and any maintenance history and current problems.
  3. Check for licenses — To ensure that the contractor is on the “up and up,” ask to see proof of their current professional license and insurance requirements.
  4. Call references — Any reputable contractor should be more than willing to provide you with a list of past clients. Call a few of them and ask how happy they were with the service they received.
  5. Ask about special offers — You’ll often find discounts on certain services if you poke around a little. Take a look at the company’s website and if that fails, give them a call.
  6. Expect a home evaluation — A good contractor will want to visit your home and evaluate its overall efficiency and possible servicing needs.
  7. Obtain multiple bids — If the job calls for it, obtain multiple bids on a job to get the best deal. However, don’t limit yourself to the lowest price. Consider other factors, as well.
  8. Energy Star should be recommended — A professional HVAC technician should be very aware of the benefits of equipment with the Energy Star label and want to pass those benefits onto you.
  9. Insist on a thorough proposal — Before any work begins, the written proposal should include all details of a given job.
  10. Tell others — If you’re happy with the service you receive, don’t forget to share the wealth and tell all your friends.

If you’d like to learn more helpful tips when you need an HVAC professional or have other home comfort concerns, please contact the experts at Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal. We’ve been serving the heating and cooling needs of Northwest Arkansas since 1968.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Springdale, Arkansas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about HVAC professional and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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