heating and AC, plumbing & electric
Thank you for considering Paschal Air, Plumbing & Electric as your service provider. We are proud to serve Arkansas, Missouri, OKlahoma & Missouri for more than 50+ years. You can rest easy because whatever your air, plumbing or electrical needs may be – there’s nothing we can’t handle. It’s our passion and it’s our promise to you, one that we proudly stand behind. Avoid the hassle – go with Paschal!


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heating and AC, plumbing & electric 479.900.0784

heating and AC, plumbing & electric479.900.0784

September 22, 2015

Lower Humidity Means Lower Utility Bills

green piggy bankDid you know that by lowering the humidity of your home you will also lower your cooling bills? AC units not only lower the temperature of your home, buthey also reduce humidity, which is very important for maintaining comfort levels. High humidity, especially the high humidity we experienced this summer in Northwest Arkansas, reduces the evaporation of perspiration on the skin. Therefore, lower humidity is key to maintaining comfort. The less your systems need to work, the more money you will save by keeping moisture to a minimum. You will also be more comfortable in knowing that you will be reducing your carbon footprint by not having to rely on your AC units as much.

Easy Ways to Dehumidify Your Home

Outside of buying a dehumidifier, which can ramp up your electric bill, try some of these easy solutions for removing excess moisture from the air.

  • If you have a crawl space under your home be sure to cover the ground in it with a ground moisture barrier. This will help to minimize indoor relative humidity during the hot summer months.
  • Vent your clothes dryer to the outdoors.
  • Do not dry clothes on an indoor clothesline.
  • When cooking, make sure to keep all pots covered.
  • Always use the exhaust fans in  your bathrooms and kitchen, and install them if you do not have them already. These two rooms are the biggest generators of humidity in your home.

Reducing moisture levels will make you and your family more comfortable, while also providing a healthier home. Excess moisture is notorious for promoting the growth of mold and mildew. Saving money, improving your health, and improving your AC units efficiency are just a few benefits of lowering the humidity of your home.

To learn more about lowering electric bills, AC units, and making your home more energy efficient contact us today at Paschal Heat, Air, & Geothermal.  Paschal has been serving the entire Northwest Arkansas community for over 45 years.