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heating and AC, plumbing & electric 479.900.0784

heating and AC, plumbing & electric479.900.0784

March 27, 2012

Mold Prevention Strategies That Really Work

Mold causes a lot of problems for Arkansas homeowners, but there are a number of ways you can prevent mold from taking hold in your home. Mold thrives in a moist, stagnant environment, so maintaining air circulation and humidity are keys mold prevention:

  • Keep indoor humidity under control: If your humidity is too low, it can cause discomfort from dry air and static electricity, but if it’s too high, it can lead to mold growth. The trick is to keep relative humidity in your home at a moderate level: somewhere between 30 and 60 percent. High humidity isn’t generally a big problem in winter, but you can use a dehumidifier to keep moisture under control in summertime.
  • Clean your gutters: A leaky roof is a leading cause of mold growth in your attic and on your ceiling, and clogged gutters are often the root cause.
  • Maintain adequate ventilation: There’s nothing mold likes more than a tightly sealed environment. Making sure your house is well-ventilated can significantly reduce mold growth. This can be as simple as opening windows during the warmer months, but you might want to talk to a professional to make sure you have efficient year round ventilation.
  • Run an exhaust fan: Kitchens and bathrooms have some of the highest incidence of mold growth in most homes. Running a kitchen exhaust fan while you’re cooking, and running a bathroom fan for a few minutes after you shower, will go a long way toward reducing mold in these areas. 
  • Use an air cleaner: Air cleaners can filter all sorts of particles out of your air, including dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander and mold spores. An air cleaner can greatly improve your indoor air quality and help prevent the spread of mold.
  • Watch out for condensation: Condensation means moisture, and than can mean mold if you let it go for too long. Watch windows and pipes for signs of condensation, and dry them off quickly.

If you’d like more information on mold prevention in your home, contact Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal. We’ve been serving northwest Arkansas for more than 40 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about mold prevention and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Paschal Heating, Air & Geothermal services Northwest Arkansas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!