heating and AC, plumbing & electric
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heating and AC, plumbing & electric 479.900.0784
September 11, 2012

Is Your Home A Prime Candidate For Zoned Cooling?

Is Your Home A Prime Candidate For Zoned Cooling?Is your Northwest Arkansas home too hot in some areas, or too cold in other rooms? If so, your home might be a prime candidate for zoned cooling.

zoning system converts your central air conditioner or heat pump into a customized, precise cooling network. Each zone can be cooled individually, so that every corner of the house receives exactly the amount of air conditioning it needs — no more and no less.

Zoned cooling can be beneficial in almost every home, but is especially useful for certain conditions. Your home may be in need of a zoned cooling system if any of the following apply:

  • You have a two-story or multi-level house. Warm air rises while cool air sinks. So if you have more than one story, the upstairs rooms will always be hotter than the ground level or basement — unless you have a zoning system installed.
  • You have a room or rooms with large windows, especially if those windows face south or west. Such rooms heat up each afternoon due to the greenhouse effect: Sunlight can pass freely through the windows, but the resulting heat is trapped indoors by the glass. A zoning system can automatically make the adjustments each day to keep those rooms as cool as the rest of the house.
  • You have differences of opinion among family members as to what temperature feels most comfortable. With zoned cooling, each person can set their zone to the temperature they prefer.
  • You have certain rooms that sit unoccupied for long stretches each day, or guest areas that are empty much of the time. With a zoning system and programmable thermostats, you’ll no longer have to pay to keep those empty rooms cool. Since your air conditioner or heat pump then only has to cool part of the house at a time, your electrical bills can decrease dramatically.

To learn more about how zoned cooling could work for your home, contact the experts at Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal. We have been serving the Springdale area for four decades, and we’d be happy to serve your family as well.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Northwest Arkansas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about zoned cooling and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock