heating and AC, plumbing & electric
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heating and AC, plumbing & electric 479.900.0784

heating and AC, plumbing & electric479.900.0784

August 26, 2014

UV Lights: What Are the Benefits?

UV Lights: What Are the Benefits?Indoor air pollution is a real concern for many homeowners, causing allergy flare-ups, mold and mildew build-up and other health concerns. Smoke, animal dander and dust can easily be removed from your home with some cleaning or removing the pollutants. Mold and mildew can be a little trickier. Some homeowners are turning to UV lights to kill harmful bacterial growth.

How UV Lights Work

New studies show that UV lamps placed near an A/C coil eliminate mold growth that could potentially harm your family. They work by emitting a low level of radiation that bacteria cannot stand up to. The radiation emitted is harmless to your family while eliminating mold, bacteria, fungi and viruses from your indoor air. All you need to do is place the UV light shining directly on your A/C coil to kill harmful bacteria and prevent future growth.

Benefits of UV lights

  • Mold/Mildew: The main benefit you’ll reap from using UV lights on your A/C unit or in other damp areas of the home is reduced bacteria growth within your A/C system and filter.
  • Reduce Colds/Flu: During cold and flu season, UV lights can reduce the amount of sickness in your home by killing bacteria before it develops.
  • Cleaner Air: Using UV lights ensures the air quality in your home is the best it can be with reduced mold and bacteria that could harm your family.

For more information on UV lights and other home comfort issues, contact Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal, serving northwest Arkansas.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Springdale, Arkansas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about UV lights and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “art_of_sun/Shutterstock”