heating and AC, plumbing & electric
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heating and AC, plumbing & electric 479.900.0784

heating and AC, plumbing & electric479.900.0784

March 22, 2016

Annual HVAC Service Pays Off All Year Round

annual hvac

Regularly scheduled HVAC service by a qualified technician is critical to the present efficiency and performance of your system, as well as its future reliability. In most cases, your air conditioner and furnace should get a yearly check-up at the outset of the cooling or heating season, respectively. That means spring or early summer for an A/C and fall for the furnace. Aside from changing the air filter—a simple task you should do monthly, year-round—there really aren’t any preventive maintenance procedures appropriate for the average do-it-yourselfer. The complexity of today’s cooling and heating systems, as well as safety issues involved, requires the trained expertise and specialized equipment of a qualified professional.

Here are some reasons why annual HVAC service benefits you year-round:

  • Optimum efficiency. The manufacturer’s energy-efficiency rating and operating cost estimates for your air conditioner or furnace are all based on the assumption that the system gets annual preventive maintenance. Without this vital yearly upkeep, energy consumption will increase and the low monthly cooling and heating expenses costs you expect will become a thing of the past.
  • Sustained comfort. For maximum efficiency, air conditioners and furnaces are precisely sized to the cooling and heating requirements of your house. If the capacity of an A/C or furnace declines due to neglected maintenance, the unit will no longer properly cool or warm the house. Very often, the first evidence is that rooms are overly warm in summer or cold in winter and you have to run the system longer to reach and maintain desired temperature settings.
  • Year-round reliability. Another benefit of annual HVAC service is that it provides a trained technician the opportunity to thoroughly examine your system for any signs of impending malfunctions. Catching minor issues now, before they turn into a major breakdown, saves you the inconvenience and expense of an emergency service call later in the season.
  • The warranty requires it. Most air conditioner and furnace warranty terms require you to produce proof that the unit has received annual HVAC service in order to receive full warranty coverage, in the event you ever need expensive repairs or replacement.

Make sure you get the energy savings and year-round reliability your system’s designed to deliver by scheduling annual HVAC service from the professionals at Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal.