heating and AC, plumbing & electric
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heating and AC, plumbing & electric 479.900.0784

heating and AC, plumbing & electric479.900.0784

September 24, 2013

Run Through Your Fall Heating Checklist, Then Relax as Seasons Change

09.24.13Falling leaves and cooler temperatures serve as a reminder to give your heating system its annual fall tuneup. Regular HVAC preventative maintenance is an excellent way to ensure peak performance and trouble-free operation when seasons change. Heating system maintenance should be performed before every heating season to ensure comfort, keep heating costs low, and improve efficiency. Run through your fall heating checklist to get started.

Basic Maintenance

During a routine HVAC examination of your heating system, the following should be checked and addressed if needed:

  • Thermostat assessment: Upgrade to a programmable thermostat to save money on heating costs. Your programmed settings should keep your home comfortable while you’re home and awake, but cooler when you’re away or asleep to conserve power.
  • Air filter replacement: Filters should be changed a minimum of every three months, as a dirty air filter will impede airflow, forcing your heating system to work harder to satisfy your temperature demands. Inspect the filter monthly, and change it when it looks dirty. This also will improve indoor air quality during the heating months.
  • Electrical connection check: All electrical cords and connections should be firmly in place. Your HVAC professional can check voltage readings to ensure that all electrical components are in good-working order.
  • Fan and lubrication exams: Motor and fan blades should be examined to ensure that are not damaged. Proper lubrication helps reduce resistance and can save you money in energy bills.
  • Seal heating ducts: According to the federal Energy Star program, sealing and insulating heating ducts can improve the efficiency of your heating system by as much as 20 percent. Focus on the basement, garage, crawlspace and attic.

Equipment Upgrades

If your HVAC equipment is more than 10 years old or is not keeping your home properly heated, it may be time for a replacement system. Upgrading to an Energy Star approved furnace or heat pump can cut down your energy bill drastically, and ensure that you’re comfortable throughout the heating months. A qualified heating upgrade also will make you eligible for a generous federal tax credit ($150).

Serving Northwest Arkansas for more than 40 years, at Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal we’re proud to offer licensed contracting services for all of your heating and cooling needs. For more expert information about your fall heating checklist, please contact us today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Northwest Arkansas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about fall heating maintenance and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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