Many people don’t understand just how important it is to make sure the ducts are tight in their home. A home with tight ducts will help you maintain a more comfortable and safer environment in your home, and it will help you to save money on your energy bill.
How Will Tight Ducts Help Me with Energy Savings?
Making sure the ducts are tightly sealed in your home will help keep your home from getting uncomfortably hot in the summer and uncomfortably cold in the winter. Your heating and cooling equipment will have to work harder in order to regulate the temperature in your home if the ductwork isn’t sealed properly, and this translates into higher bills.
How Else Can Tight Ducts Help You?
Along with saving you money on your energy bills, having well-sealed ducts can also help you to save money in other ways. If you plan on installing a new system at some point in the future, a well-structured and sealed duct system may make it possible for you to install a smaller unit in your home, which will also be less costly for you to run.
What Do You Look For?
The first places you should check for leaks are the supply and return plenums, fittings in the runs, and splices where the ducts connect to the registers. Fixing a leak may be as easy as re-sealing the ducting with mastic sealant or metal tape, or it may require replacing components or even the ducting itself.
Getting Help With Your Home’s Duct System
If you are located in the northwest Arkansas area and you need help with your heating and cooling system, you want to call on a company you can count on. Be sure you contact Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal; a company with an excellent reputation. We will help you with your duct system so you will be more comfortable and save money on your energy bill.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Springdale, Arkansas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about tight ducts and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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