Shopping for a new heating system today takes a little more effort than simply swapping the old system with a new one of the same size and type. There are heat gain/loss factors and add-on features to consider. Advances in heat pump technology could mean that your trusty gas furnace isn’t the most efficient heating system any longer.
Read on to learn what you need to know about choosing and installing a new heating system that suits your needs for maximum efficiency and comfort.
Gas Furnace
It’s still tough to beat a new gas furnace for efficient, comfortable heating. Dual heat exchangers, sealed combustion and venting, and modulating gas valves are some of the advancements that push furnace efficiency beyond 98 AFUE.
Air-Source Heat Pump
Air-source heat pumps extract heat from outside air, move, and transfer the heat to your home. This is accomplished by placing ozone-friendly refrigerant under alternating pressure. Though, extremely efficient, standard heat pumps with electric-resistance back-up heating are not going to beat a gas furnace for efficiency on extremely cold days.
Best of Both!
Rather than choosing between a furnace or heat pump, get the best of both systems with dual-fuel heating. A dual-fuel unit actually combines the two systems, so that the heat pumps back-up heating is the gas furnace when temperatures dip below the freezing mark. This allows your WiFi-enabled “smart” thermostat to choose between electricity or gas for the most efficient energy source at any given time.
Geothermal Heat Pump
Geothermal heat pumps are typically the most efficient heating systems in most circumstances. Rather than using outside air as the heat-exchange medium, geothermal systems use the constant temperature of the earth. The first cost for geothermal heating is generally higher, but the payback in energy savings is substantial.
The Best Decision
The best decision you can make is hiring a reputable HVAC contractor that can guide you through the process of selecting the right system. A home heat gain/loss calculation is performed, as well as a ductwork evaluation. Your contractor should also conduct a lifetime cost analysis so you can see which system offers the best return on investment.
To determine the most efficient heating system for your needs, contact the experts at Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal today!
At Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal, our goals are to provide exceptional customer service, products, maintenance, and installation for Northwest Arkansas homeowners.