When you consider the number of circumstances that could knock out power to your home, it’s really just a matter of time before it happens. The only questions are how long the power outage(s) will last and how well prepared will you be? An emergency-preparedness kit is great to have ready. However, to maintain your comfort and safety through extended power outages, house generators are the way to go when the lights go out.
Benefits of House Generators
Maintaining power to your home in the event of a blackout has many advantages to comfort, safety, and more.
- Heating and cooling: Connect your furnace, A/C, and/or heat pump to your house generator to stay comfortable during power outages when it’s extremely cold or hot outdoors.
- Food and water: Keep power to your refrigerator and well pump so that your food won’t spoil and you have fresh water.
- Health: Do you have medications that need to be refrigerated? If you do, you need a guaranteed back-up power source.
- Safety: Prevent accidents during blackouts, such as stumbling around your home in the dark. A house generator can also keep your security system working.
- Flood prevention: Your sump system should already have a battery backup power source. However, a generator can act as your power source to help prevent basement flooding.
Choosing a Generator
When you are choosing a generator to serve your needs, consider type, activation, and size.
- Portable: Portable generators operate on gasoline. Portable models can only power appliances that can be plugged in — meaning your home’s lighting, furnace, central air, and well pump won’t work.
- Standby: Standby generators are installed on a concrete pad next to your home. They are hard-wired to your electrical panel and may be connected to your home’s natural gas line. You may also choose a propane-gas model. Standby generators are available in large sizes that can power all of your home’s essential appliances.
- Manual: Portable generators must be started manually with either a key or pull cord.
- Automatic: Standby generators detect power outages and start up automatically.
- Size: Work with your HVAC provider to correctly size your generator to serve all your needs when the power goes out.
For more information about house generators, contact us at Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal today!
At Paschal Heat, Air & Geothermal, we continually strive to meet and exceed the needs of our Northwest Arkansas customers, as we have since 1968!